Quote Originally Posted by Clarkie
lappers are part of the game, and i think it is a bad idea to pull people from the race. As one of the 'fast guys' I have never had a problem with any lappers riding out of control, usually everyone is just out there doing their own thing and riding in control, well except for that Jim Brewer guy, he is a pain in the ass

If you start restricting who can enter (or finish) the ROR races you will have less people enter and the grids will shrink. Racers get faster by following faster racers, so if people want to pay to enter ROR (remember the club needs all the money it can get right now) let them race.
Though I agree with most of your post, the fact remains that if you are getting lapped within the first half of the race by the top 8-10 guys then you probably are not going to learn much from the faster guys. There comes a point where the closure speeds are so drastic that it does become a safety issue. Atleast in my eye. But I don't have that much experience so I might be acting like a big wuss.