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Thread: MRA conflicting with GNF

  1. #1
    Member Amateur
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    MRA conflicting with GNF

    Board members,

    whats the chance of working around WERA's Grand National Final's race next year? Its geat we got PPIR back on the schedule this year and I understand the date might have been a take it or leave it, but for 2009 it would be sweet if we could go for the GNF without missing an MRA event. For this year they fall on the same weekend.

  2. #2
    Member Amateur
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    2009 schedule

    really no feedback on this?

  3. #3
    Resident T-Bagger Expert T Baggins's Avatar
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    Somewhere between here and Elizabeth
    Glenn has just now started working on the schedule.

    It's not so easy as just picking dates that don't conflict, as we have 5 other clubs that vie for track time at the same tracks - so "if" we can accomodate that obviously we will. If not, then so be it.

    FWIW, the original October 11 & 12 date was supposed to be at HPR - and we were able to put PPIR in that slot instead. So the date was there since the get-go.
    Tony Baker #21

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  4. #4
    Member Amateur
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    I can understand the fact you guys have to try to find schedules that work with the tracks we race at and other clubs.

    In the obviously simplified situation though of if we can avoid scheduling on the same weekends as some bigger events in the U.S., WERA Nationals, the Grand Nationals,or AMA Nationals, that would be the best of all worlds for everyone. Its no fun for riders or sponsors to have to choose between races.

    I know this isn't always even close to possible, just simply putting a thought out there to think about. Thanks!


  5. #5
    Senior Member Expert
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    My apologies, I just saw this.

    There are only so many things that can be taken into consideration when doing the schedule. In general, I try to put together a schedule that spreads out the racing as evenly as possible, and I avoid back-to-back races at all costs. After that, I try to avoid conflicting with MoM because they are so close and their rule structure (having been modeled after our own) allows riders to do both series with relative ease.

    The other thing I try to consider is the date (now dates) of the USA MOTOGP races because I know a lot of people would like to attend if possible.

    The WERA GNF is pretty low on the list, there have only been a handful of MRA members over my decade of being involved with the club who have attended so it's not a high priority, sorry. Besides, WERA typically finalizes their schedule in November where I try to have ours nailed down in October.
    The GECCO

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  6. #6
    Senior Member Expert
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    I believe that Moto GP Laguna is scheudled for 4 July next year.


  7. #7
    Member Amateur
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    i c

    yea that all makes sense for the club. gotcha, thanks

  8. #8
    Senior Member Expert
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    Apr 2005
    Hey Gerry,
    damn your a breath of fresh air and I remember a time when the MRA and it's riders were willing to travel great distances to go racing but that was then and now gas ain't cheap. Have you considered the Race of Champions at Daytona. If you've got the time of work and could drive My Sprinter I maybe game. I've been racing with the CCS in AZ all year and stand to get a front row spot in Supertwins. Though you would start a ways back in your races (unless you have raced with the CCS) you could experience the full (both bankings) course at Daytona. RO has plenty of experience and could tell you what the fast way around is as could I. So give it some thought and we could have a blast. Later, Jon G

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