Quote Originally Posted by Ray-Ray
Quote Originally Posted by benfoxmra95
WTF....this thread is off the rails. Now were thanking people for great races and sportsmanship on the track and talking about having fun.

Crash can you get in here and liven things up.

I ran some double bubble this weekend, but now I need to see my dentist. It's been about 30 years since I've chewed that gum.

Does anyone remeber when doritos first came out? Does anyone remeber way back when you'd buy a little snack bag of doritos from 7/11 and it'd cost like .50 and there'd be 6 chips in a little bag. Now these days your not "satisfied" unless you've gobbled down half a full size bag of them, and a half gallon of coke.

come on ten pages

Dude! Did you forget how to spell REMEMBER? For Effin sakes!
I have a sall typing proble with the letter m...sorry... soetines i forget it copletely, I'll work on it.

Hey btw the effen way, effen is spelled with an effen "e" not an "i" get it right or get out of this effen thread didn't you see the name of the thread? Effer...