Hey Ray,

I just gotta say, you rode like a mad man out there. I was doing some math in my head when while I served the penalty and figured if I rode really well and you rode at about your usual pace I would catch you at the end of the race. You must have rode the wheels off that bike, because I had a really good race, hit most of my marks and didn't make many mistakes in my chase and you stayed in front of me. WAY TO GO!

Like I said to you on the starting line....It's Racing, anything can happen! I really love that the outcome isn't a known quantity. Riding with you is always great fun and I look forward to the closing rounds of the season! Battling with you has made this sesaon exceptionally fun.


Quote Originally Posted by Ray-Ray
Quote Originally Posted by scott72673

I filed a protest this weekend. I'm certain that I saw Ray Ray slip Bob a $20 at the starting line to give me the spicy meatball. It was rejected because aparantly there were marinara stains on the protest form I filed and that is unacceptable.
It was actually a $50. I wanted that win BAD! And Sorry! You can't protest me! I'm the Effin VP of Rules and Tech. Did you forget?

On a side note! That was the most incredible race of my life! From starting almost dead LAST because I was caught with my pants down when the light went off to weaving my way through traffic to get up front and putting my head down knowing you were going to be chasing me down after your stop and go. WOW! That was a blast! Thanks Scott that was a fun time!