in addition to the maximum lap time proposal, i think there needs to be an exception somewhere in the rulebook when it comes to rider eligibility for the ROR classes.

how is it that the last race weekend i did at hastings, riders were able to compete in RORU that were nearly 10 seconds off pace, just because they have had atleast one year experience in the "expert" class. and the person that turned the fastest lap time of the whole race got DQd becasue of lack of "experience at the expert level" with the mra.

i completely understand the rule and think its a great rule to make sure inexperienced riders dont jump into a class thats out of their league becuase if they do it could put them and other riders in harms way. but there has to be some exceptions.

if the particular rider holds an AMA PRO LICENSE in one or more different racing disciplines, if lap times are competitive, if the rider is not riding over their head to keep up... these are all things that can be taken into consideration and be decided by the board at the race.

for example, i just got back from racing at miller with MOM and like the MRA, MOM has a money paying expert class called KOM with a similar rule. when i asked them about sign up they took everything into consideration and said they couldnt make a call until they saw my lap times and riding...

with all the racing background that the MRA has on the board i think they could very easily make a smart/saffe decision on whether or not a rider is capable of competing in that class.

plus dont the same 20 guys that compete in mwss and mwsb comete in roru? the only difference is the money factor and more laps. if the rider is capable of riding the class i say let them. its more money for the mra and more money for other riders if he/she doesnt do well.

just my two cents, in no way shape or form am i mad about the situation im just giving my opinion. after all i did bring it upon myself by signing up when i knew it was a nono :lol: i just think it would be good for more up and coming riders or out of state guys for next year.

wording it in the rule book would be kinda tricky but you guys are the experts and im sure you could come up with something good!

see yall at ppir!