The problem is, who determines what a 'performance gain' is? Ask some racers, slicks are not better than DOT's, ask some old school racers about slipper clutches, and I bet they would say it doesnt make them a bit faster. There is no way to define 'performance gain' in the real world without going by personal feelings or assumptions.

I also believe we should stick to what the rulebook states; and I really dont believe this is 'club racing'. I go out there to have fun, but there are definately guys out there to make money... and they make quite a bit of it doing this.

Club racing is a club that you gon on the weekend, get a pat on the back for doing a good job and maybe a little trophy. This is PRO-AM racing, professional racers and amateur racers alike racing together, and people make a living off of this 'club'. I think it is forgotten that peoples lives (vendors, some racers and communities raced in) are based upon the actions within the club, this is far more than 'club racing'.

I guess if there is a fix that can be taken, create an ongoing rules committee; led by the VP of Rules and Tech and one other board member that the VPR&T can choose from when there is an issue. For instance there is an on track protest... VPR&T chooses the Track Marshall to co chair that decision, other times maybe a Rider Rep (cough Brewer) that knows the rules well. The additional 3 people will be peers... must be racing members, that are not involved in the situation or class in question. The beginning of the year, 10 people can volunteer to be on the rules committee or appointed by the VPR&T to help decide on situations like this.... the logistics are a lot easier than it sounds. Decisions do not need to be immediate, given by wednesday after the race a decision will be made. With email, phones etc a concensus could be reached quite easily within those 5 people by that time.

Every other club (non motorcycle related) I have ever been with have a Rules Committee that helps decide on tough subjects, and can make a decision/change mid year. I have never seen any club up until the MRA that says once the rules are written, they are set in stone for a year. Things change mid year that can have an effect on racing. The ability to make a group decision, with the peer input is what makes clubs fair and just.

Just my 2 pennies.