Quote Originally Posted by Ashli
hit the nail on the head didn't I?
No, you didn't.

Quote Originally Posted by Ashli
But then again (a direct quote from a board member) "this is club level racing!" so we shouldn't really care.
Thanks for at least not including your interpretation of what I said inside the quotes. If you had been present during the conversation you would know that the context of that quote was that a rider wants to continue a pissing contest that started LAST YEAR by using the rule book to beat someone he can't beat on the track. The spirit of my remark was that it's time to let go of the past because this is club level racing and it's supposed to be fun. Fun is the only reason anyone should be doing this because there isn't anyone doing it to pay their mortgage.

Quote Originally Posted by Ashli
People getting away with cheating because the board doesn't want to deal with it?
It was dealt with, and properly at that. If you want to file a protest, it must be done properly. If it isn't done in accordance with the rulebook, it won't be upheld. Live by the sword, die by the sword.