One of the things many people overlook is that the majority of the oil we use in this country comes from other countries. Much like any business for profit, if we lessen our dependence on their product, they will lessen the amount made available to the world market. Lets not forget that supply and demand, in this case, is outside of our control. In many ways the oil prices aren't driven by US demands either. China's current growth rate and industry are sucking up a lot of oil and steel. We can all agree that CEO salaries are ridiculous. But oil CEO salaries are probably right in line with other major companies although you will never find accurate numbers that account for bonuses and incentives. Given the amount of time, dedication, and sacrifice (not to mention school) that it takes to become the CEO of an exxon or other major company, i can understand why they command the salaries they receive. I don't like it, but I understand.