Alright, this is a very interesting topic but lets lay off bashing the Mechanics Hourly Rate. I want to see anybody who is upset with $100 a labor hour fix there own car. When you are done messing things up, call me and I'll fix it in 1/10th the time it took you to mess it up and I'll charge you $100 a labor hour and when I'm done you will thank me and have a smile on your face.

And also lay off the guy who drives a F350 37 miles to work and on his way to work stops off at Starbucks and gets a Chai Frap and a Pumpkin Loaf. That guy is me on my way to my job charging everybody $100 a labor hour.

And just so you know. In my shop the average Mechanic Flags 1 labor hour per every hour he works. This is an average. Some flag more, some less. So in the long run it all equals out.

Alright, enough from me. Get back to your Oil discussion. I would add to it but I am way lost in your debate. Although I will say everybody has made some really good points and I am unconvinced to pick any side.