Quote Originally Posted by Vanmar Racing
Hey, I just read what Charles said about Kris and I have something to say about that.
First of all our club is lucky to have Kris and her awesome support of the MRA. I have sent numerous racers to her and have seen the incredibly awesome custom work she has produced. She is a single mom with a full time job and stays up half the night working on all your leathers, certainly not for the millions of dollars she makes, but because she loves our club.

Second, Charles, I hauled your stinky ass, crashed out leathers to Kris PERSONALLY, and took time out of my busy schedule to drop them off at her house. They had NO contact info on them. I finally found out from Mark that they belonged to you and tried to get your number (for Kris) so she call you. I was unable to get your contact info and also decided "that I didn't need to babysit you" and figured you would call when you wanted them.
Then Kris hauled your stinky ass leathers down to Pueblo and they sat on our table for 3 days waiting for you to stroll on down to get them. You didn't. So we hauled your stinky ass leathers back to Denver .

So it took 3 people to make sure your leathers got fixed, and we all went out of our way. Seems to me you should be THANKING instead of SLAMMING.
Thanks Tammy, I'll call Kris today. Thanks Jim