Quote Originally Posted by Tumbleweed
Just wanted to share some info with all of you. I have noticed alot of commercials lately advertising cheap brake jobs. As a result I have also noticed many of my friends and family and customers calling me about the quotes they got at many of these shops. Some of them called me after the work was done and I couldn't believe they got screwed so bad. Yes many shops offer $99 brake jobs but you will not pay this. Most likely they will tell you your Rotors are under spec and your Calipers are sticking and need to be replaced. Some of them even say your Master Cylinders are bad. If you own a car that is less than 10 years old 99% of the time this is a lie and they are just trying to get money out of you. As a factory trained Ford Mechanic working at a Dealership for the last 10 years I can say I have replaced about 3 master cylinders and 10 calipers. Most of these on big trucks with large loads. It is very uncommon for these parts to go bad on today's cars and trucks. Just be warned, this can happen anywhere, including dealerships. If you are given a quote at a shop for your brakes and it comes out to $400 to $500 please say thank you for the free inspection and go somewhere else and get a second opinion. I don't want to see any of you get nailed by these shops.

Hope this helps a little 8)
