Hey Guys/Gals;

First off, thank you all so far for your support. We're getting down to the wire on the first ten, so I thought I'd better throw up the procedure and let the system sort you out based on first in.....

Go to our website and register as a client - which is FREE! The system will send me an email. From there I go in to the site from the backend and adjust your pricing. My system is set up to grant you free shipping on orders over 75.00 (on our core items).... they're marked on the site. Your discount is site-wide -- not just the water. When finished, I send you an email confirming your pricing.... then its safe to order. Currently, I show the water to ship in the third week of April - it's brand new..... so get your orders in early so as not to get on backorder.

Although our business is an Ecommerce Model, we strive to grow our business through client service and referral. If you have any questions, just holler.

Thanks again.