Donna I do take what you say with respect. honestly I do.

BUT, :wink: Here we go.
It is not my job to do what I and many others feel is the boards job. After talking with someone else on the board I understand where and what the direction of the group was and can see their point. But with that said they can see "our" point that you will get members by promoting the club through marketing, news reports and attendance at the events. Now granted it is kinda hard to promote attendance to only one track.
But what is wrong with getting the name of the MRA out to the groups that can promote us? I know you are not saying don't do it, but saying go out there and do it Mr non paid MRA member while the paid board does what they deem as more important work. What I am saying is that I think the board needs to reexamine what the priorities are for this club to survive.

Personally I don't think it should be up to those of us who, through the cost of our racing, pay the boards salary. The group has an expectation of the board to do what is in the groups best interest and I am sure the board does that, but clearly not on this matter.

What is it that the rider reps do that keeps them so busy that they can not take this on and recruit the people that have offered to help? We have 4 reps that could split this up as a goal and run with it with the help of the group. I realize the reps are not "paid" but it is a compensated position and as such does fall into the board responsibilities. Now don't take that as throwing it back on you, but it is a reasonable thought. You, the board, want me or someone else to rally round this and run with it when the board has shown it to be something they don't deem as important.

If I had won the nomination, this would have been my first priority. I would have sought out someone in the membership with writing skills and someone with media/advertising contacts. I would have created a marketing position with some type of compensation to spearhead the process. That person would be required to obtain board approval before proceeding with the contact. This position would be required to provide the results to the board and to the membership.

So with that said, will you still vote for me next time :?: 8)

I really want to impress upon you and the rest of this group that I am NOT attacking you, or the board. I know that Glen, Tony, and the rest are busy. We are not told what the board does, but I am sure it is more than any of us can ever understand.