Just in time for the holiday's. Not only a great gift or stocking stuffer, but a nice way to donate to charity at the same time. The long awaited Girls of the Colorado Sportbike Club 2008-2009 calendar is now available.

What is the Girls of the Colorado Sportbike Club calendar?
Its a charitable effort the fine ladies of the CSC do to raise money for the Racing 2 Save Lives charitable foundation you all know and support!
This is the 3rd production of this effort by the Colorado Sportbike Clubs fine upstanding women! In addition: These are girls that actually ride on 2 wheels......

"This year's effort is a 16 month calendar full of hottness and oozing sexyness galore from the pages!"

** How to get your copy? : **
Go to PayPal.com and send $20 to:

$$$$ Be sure you include your name, address, and phone number in your order so we can contact you about getting your calendar. $$$$$

*Need to have it shipped? No worries - its included in the price via USPS.

$$ And the best part? Its tax deductible because the proceeds are going to the Racing 2 Save Lives!!!

Additional information/teasers can be found here:


Questions? contact Vance the photographer @ jvance@jamesvance.com