The Girls of the Colorado Sportbike Club are coming out with their 2008 calendar hopefully by early November. We need a few more sponsors to add to our pages and get this printed for everyone to enjoy, and trust me you WILL enjoy this one!

If you or anyone you can think of (businesses, race teams, groups of friends, sponsors of yours, individuals, etc) might be interested in sponsoring and/or having a banner/ad on one of the ladies pages please send me a PM or email!

The sponsorship / banner ad space is $100 per slot. If you wish to sponsor just to help the cause you can do that for any amount. If you'd like to have a banner advertisement you can design whatever type of ad you would like to appear on that months page (within reason of taste and "PG" sensibility and sensitivity). Or we can help you through it. For each sponsorship slot (at $100) you will also receive a free calendar as our way of saying THANKS!!!

Any contribution to make this calendar a reality is tax deductible as all proceeds are going to the Racing 2 Save Lives (a 501(c)3 non-profit organization) and its charities it supports.
Having seen quite a few of these ladies layouts myself, you guys and gals are going to want to have your names in this calendar, it is by far one of the hottest calendars I have seen PERIOD!

As an added bonus to get some of you peeps to contribute some funds, when your donation is received, I can send you a sneak peak of one of the girls layouts in the calendar, you will be sworn to secrecy until the release date but you will have first hand knowledge of how hot this years calendar will be!!

If you are interested in contributing and / or sponsoring please PM or email me ( ASAP! The sooner we get the donations the sooner we go to print (there's a rumor there will be some prototype samples for viewing at Kim & Dean's Halloween party - but I cannot confirm or deny the statement)!

If you have any questions or comments, again feel free to contact me!