Typically at the last round of the season the MRA hosts a corner worker appreciation event on Sunday after the races. This is one of the coolest things (in my opinion) that we do all season. These people bust their butts for us each and every race weekend for something hovering near minimum wage ( depending on how many of us actually require their services on a given weekend).

I'm sure that ray-ray will have the official announcement up soon, but I want to encourage you to do a couple of things from a member's perspective.

1) Attend the event. I know we are all excited to get home at the end of the weekend, but this is worth staying for. Let these people know how much it means to all of us that they are there.

2) Consider how much racing means to you and find a gift to give accordingly. I know that racing is expensive with entry fees, maintenance, travel and tires. Is it worth 5% or 10% of your typical weekend expenses to let these core people know how much they are appreciated? I put forth that it is.

3). This is a great opportunity to support and give additional exposure to your sponsors. Many of the CW staff are riders. Buy something from one of your sponsors to contribute to the pool. Get a gift certificate to your favorite shop, get a gift that has your sponsor's name on it. You get the point. I can't do this sport without some help from my sponsors and the support of the track crew. What a neat way to say thanks to both!

See you all at PPIR!
