My mom was adament in having her note posted and she didn't want to register and wait to do so....

Hats off to MRA and Abate members!

Last week when Kev went down during the endurance race, support came out of the woodwork:* racers, corner workers and support staff, sponsors, friends and spectators.* The outpouring of genuine care and concern was heartwarming!* I sincerely thank you all for your strength and encouragement!

The following morning, I learned that Kev was back in the competition because of the generous outpouring of borrowed bike parts and labor to get him back into the races.* I stand in awe and wonder at the selfless giving of the folks in the MRA and Abate of Colorado. *The strength and success of any business or organization depends solely upon its members.* It is no surprise these two motorcycle organizations are profoundly successful; the individual members and what they contribute so open-heartedly to each other and the organization are the prototype after which all businesses and organizations should model.* You all understand the importance of doing what you love in a way that supports you and others.* Thank you all for your amazing demonstration of such high integrity!*


*Judy Talbot (Kev Finnegan’s Mom)

*PS** I asked Kev to post this for me on the appropriate forums.* Thanks, Kev!