So you're jonesing to get out and race at HPR Round 1 - welcome to the club!

Here's some helpful tidbits:

1) There is an "Exclusive" lapping day on Friday the 10th. It is limited to ONLY CURRENTLY LICENSED RACERS. It is not open to the public, and it is not open to SuperStreet... MRA Race membership has it's privileges. They have a new lapping day registration program, so go HERE:

to read up on it and get registered. Pre-payment gets you a discount, btw...

2) The gates will be open ALL NIGHT LONG on Thursday night beginning at 7:00 pm so you can get in and get set up for the Friday lapping. THEY WILL BE LOCKED UNTIL 7:00 PM so don't say I didn't warn you when you get there at 3:00 and can't get in.

3) We will be running the NORTH Course this round, and Friday Practice will be run on the NORTH Course as well.

4) The Turn 4 Spectating area will NOT be open 'cause we turn before we get there...

5) RV Spots and Carports must be paid for... and they're filling up quick, so better get yours reserved sooner than later:

6) Our normal Saturday Night Party and Bonfire (weather permitting) will go on as usual... PLEASE BRING BEER, MONEY, ETC... to reward our corner crew on Saturday Night.

7) The Byers General Store has pretty much anything and everything you need as far as sustenance... so check them out on the way!

If I've forgotten anything, please post up your questions here... Looking forward to the start of the season!