After a couple run-off's/distractions trying to get my lap timer to read, looking seriously into GPS versions.

I'm looking at a range from the QStarz BTQ1000 up to the XT Racing GPX Pro at the high end.

Has anyone used the little QStarz unit? Seems like a lot of guys really like it. My goals are relatively accurate lap times (I don't care about .02 of a second), potentially seeing patterns in acceleration, braking, and maintenance throttle, and just having it work without trying to line up the IR all the time. If I need to not have instant feedback re: times, that's probably OK. If information after practice was good enough for King Kenny, I'm sure its good enough for me.

The other option I am considering is to hook a 12v battery to my IR module to make the signal strength much stronger. Right now I have to have the timing unit (XT Racing regular one) lined directly up to the IR, and its a bit of a distraction making sure its reading. I do put new batteries in it frequently to make sure its at top power, but with the same result as described. Sometimes other guys will put units out on the track too, and that reeks havoc on trying to know what you are doing completely.

ANY input on this topic is appreciated, whether on point or wild tangents. Just would like to understand the lay of the land on this.

Thanks guys,
