Background: About a month back, my FZR threw its chain on Wadsworth. It was due to a stripped countershaft nut that allowed the sprocked to get out of line and jump the chain. I got another countershaft nut from the junkyard and torqued it down to 55 lb-ft, so that problem is finished.

The chain broke at the clip style 530 o-ring master link. I inspected the chain... hardly a scratch, so I figured I'd slap another master link in it and run it.

First master link, bought from dealership, was a 530 clip style link, non o-ring type. It fit through the hole but it was not wide enough. Ok, my bad.

Second master link was o-ring but rivet style. Had to buy an $80 rivet tool. I now get around to trying to install it and find that it doesn't fit in my chain. I pull out the calipers and find the second 530 master link pins to be .204", the first 530 master link pins to be .199", and the pin holes in my chain to be .203". Chain holes grow with wear, not shrink.

Am I missing another set of criteria for getting the right master link, like o-ring, clip style, roller chain master link? Or do the manufacturers change stupid little specs like the pin size to make you buy shit you don't need.

I just want to return the $80 tool, return the two master links that dont fit my chain, get my money back and get what I wanted in the first place, an o-ring clip style roller chain master link.