Colorado Motorcycle Show and Swap

ABATE of Colorado has once again invited us to attend the Colorado Motorcycle Show and Swap where we can continue to promote the MRA to motorcyclist from near and far.

Therefore the MRA is looking for volunteers and or Novices who want to work off their required Novice hours to help with setup on Friday Feb 1st, Public Relations Saturday Feb 2nd, and Public Relations/tear down Sunday Feb 3rd. If you would like to volunteer please post up below, and or email me at

This will involve interaction with event attendees which includes speaking about the MRA, offering our 2 for 1's to potential new racers and spectators, and adding them to our mailing list with our contact forms. There will be an emphasis on promoting our Super Street class to the local street riders and recruiting new corner marshals.

For more info regarding the motorcycle show and swap click on the link.

For more info regarding Volunteering please look below and or contact me for more details.


Setup Friday Febuary 1st time to be determined
Public Relations Saturday Febuary 2nd 9:00am - 7:00pm
Public Relations/ tear down Sunday Febuary 3rd 9:00am - 4:00pm


National Western Complex
Off I-70 Exit at Brighton Blvd.
(North of Denver Coliseum)
Denver, Colorado


Can't stay the whole day, no problem, volunteering will be broken up into shifts of 4 hours at a time as follows:

Friday Setup
Jeff Waychoff

Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm
John Chadwick
Sam Coleman/Hollywood
Brownie (partial shift)

Satuday 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Amber Patterson

Saturday 3:00pm to 7:00pm
Tom Lilly
Michael Barnett

Sunday 9:00 am to 1:00pm
Randall Turner

Sunday 1:00pm to 5:00pm
Alex Jegge
Eric Becker

Thank you ABATE for supporting the MRA