The MRA is always looking to improve our ability to advertise to our target market; and to do that we need to collect as much data as possible regarding how our community learned about Motorcycle Roadracing in Colorado with the MRA.

If you want to help the MRA please take a moment to post up here the answers to the following questions.

1) In 2012 were you considered a Super Street rider, Novice Racer, Expert Racer, Corner Worker/MRA Staff, Sponsor, or a Spectator?

2) How long have you been apart of the MRA?

3) Which of the following forms of advertising/marketing informed you about the MRA? Select all that apply.

MRA printed media (2 for 1, SuperStreet Brochure, Poster, ect... Which one?)
MRA member referral (If you remember their name please add that info)
Motocycle Shows (If you remember the name of the event please add that)
MRA E-Display (If you know where it was located please add that)
MRA website
CSC forum
Came to an MRA race
Other (Please Explain)


1) How many times have you competed in the SuperStreet class?

2) Are You considering licensing up with the MRA as a racer next year?
- 2b)If not; What is the bigest obstical keeping you from becoming a novice racer with the MRA?