Hey fellow racers and fans;
Many of you know that I am a candidate for the House of Representatives, District 32 Adams County. The primary election cycle is over. I need to muster up as many voters, supporters, & volunteers as possible, between now and the November election. As you know I'm a strong advocate for the Motorcycling arena. I believe that I can REPRESENT you better than my opponent. We need a strong voice in the HOUSE, who will not be intimidated with those who have personal agendas of their own. I will defend & support the Constitution.
Contact me, find out where I stand; email me @ Hous_32Rdc@q.com or go to my webpage; voteforboots.com where you can invest in a worthy cause. My blog is open for comments; bootsreimer.blogspot.com
Thank you for 23 years of support. :lol: