Hi all,

A little background: I ran Dunlop Q2's all last season except for one round. Since I was doing primarily endurance, this was a great tire for me - 2 sets got me through last season and I had confidence to ride harder than I have in my life.

I am planning to run NovU and O this year and while I have every belief I could run the Q2's, I am going to step up and run Dunlop race rubber. Steve from RTS pointed out that they are selling US-made Dunlop KR449 / KR448F sets for the same price as the D211 GP-A sets, and this got me wondering if I should run slicks. I may get back in touch with Steve about this, but wanted to first get feedback from the smart racers in our club first.

(sorry about all the background - might have had too much coffee this morning)

Why would I NOT want to run slicks? They are legal in Nov, right? Are they harder to get up to temp on warmers (aka you need 1000W warmers on the front and the rear to get them heated)? Do they wear faster or slower than race DOT's? I read positive things about these new Dunlops, but there could be a learning curve. As a medium paced novice, would I either a) not be able to benefit from the slick tire technology or b) have trouble on them because mere mortals (I mean novices) don't have the ability to ride them hard enough to keep them up to temp?

Any feedback would be appreciated!
