Hey All,

5 days until the green flag flies, and the missing info list has grown to 23 names. The club has 28 rentals available on a first-come-first-serve basis. Please check to see if your name is on the list and contact me via email ( transponders@mra-racing.info ) or PM on this forum to update your information. If you haven't included your transponder number on your license application or updated me through email/PM, you will not be entered into the brand new timing computer.

No. - Name
17 - Dennie Burke
20 - Rick Grosse
50 - William Comegys
56 - Steve Madison
110 - Marc Rawlings
113 - Tim Meiners
132 - Juan Mejia
137 - Michael Davis
150 - Mark Helvig
152 - Ian Thomas
154 - Greg Williams
163 - Jim Soiland
168 - Matt Galloway
175 - Ben Herrera
212 - James Tittle
213 - Jason Madama
278 - Adam Wells
303 - Jose Rivera
412 - Mike Jones
505 - David Absolon
711 - Dara Lor
724 - Tyrel Diekmann
829 - Dylan Hale

The good news is this will be the last update before the race weekend.

Thanks for reading,