Kevin, I appreciate your offer. I'll do it. I'm going to PPIR Friday am to practice and I'll race 250 production Sat and Sun. I'll bring something for the corner workers. Cool. Build a club one member at a time. Works for me. Seriously. My question really was focused on how to increase participation in races late in the season when attendance falls off for guys not in the points race. The guys at the top of the points race need the guys in the mid pack and the bottom to participate so the club doesn't have to cancel a race date, like HPR #8. Is there something that the club can build into it's incentive program to keep racers coming back? Bartman, I don't think setting your own goals and racing to improve your times is quite enough. It's clearly important in order to develop as a racer. What about discounted license fees for next year as a prize? Or for next year, for eg. discounted license fees for all four superstreet guys who license up with 3 additional friends. Would that work to bring superstreet racers into the club? Most people respond to positive incentives. I think monetary incentives are fine if they facilitate building relationships in the club. Unfortunately the problem of having enough money for this year has to be answered. This thread got started by wondering how to make the races more interesting. Folks don't like changing the incentives by creating brackets or handicapping the races. I like the discussion. It's not easy. In search of a solution and just thinkin' out loud.