Posted for PCA, contact information at the bottom. This is the one actual RACE that the Porsche club does each year.

Attention All Corner Workers:

We are working on staffing the corners for our big club racing event of the year in Colorado. RMR-PCA hosted the very first Club Race for PCA back in the early 1990's and we've hosted an annual race weekend ever since. If you'd like to learn more about Club Racing, here's a good link:

The event this year is again at High Plains Raceway and is on the weekend of August 13th and 14th. We have been blessed in the past to receive support from the fine corner workers from clubs such as the SCCA, RMVR, NASA, RMR-PCA, Lotus, Jaguar, MRA, Corvette and the HPR staff to name a few and we want to offer the opportunity again to enjoy a weekend of good racing, delicious food and drink, goodies and an expense per diem to our racing safety friends. We have quite a few slots available so I wanted you to know our offer so you can get in on the fun:

A per diem of $50 per day paid in cash
Energy bars to take to the corners
Bottled water and ice to throw in your coolers
Lunch ticket
Beer:30 (adult beverages)
Banquet ticket (Saturday only)
Embroidered patch to go on your whites (one per worker)

Keep in mind that we will accept people with little or no corner working experience. We will, of course, need to give priority to the most experienced workers but it sure can't hurt to be on the list. It will be an experience you won't soon forget.

This is our big party of the year and we want to put on a good, safe show so we really need your help. Please reply back to this email to let me know if you can make it. Even if you've let me know in person or by email in the past that you're in, I would appreciate a reply back, preferably with your best phone number, to let me know you're still available. Thanks.

Roger Buswell
Flag & Communications Chief
Rocky Mountain Region - Porsche Club of America (RMR-PCA)
303-660-6199 office
303-594-5459 cell