WOW!!! What a season for us.

I just wanted to say thank you to the MRA. This is my first year doing business with the club. I felt like I was instantly accepted and appreciated. It was a very tough year with it's ups and downs. From sleeping in an air bed on the floor of a 8 x 10' rental trailer half full with tires to seeing friends get hurt in crashes.

The good times definitely outweigh the bad though. Riders reaching their goals, doing faster lap times than they have ever done, to pulling off the track smiling after chasing the perfect set up for the prior two days.

I was talking to Brads uncle (I believe) on Saturday night. There are two types of people that tell the absolute truth, kids and drunk people. (sorry Brad but we both know he was a bit tipsy:P) It was a good conversation to me because he talked about the sportsmanship of the MRA. About when people need help, everyone comes together to assist the rider and get them back on the track. I agree. Competition is one thing but being a sportsman is another and I am glad to be a part of a family of sportsmen like the MRA. Thank you so much to those that helped us. You made it easier to get through the hard weekends.

I would like to congratulate all the class champs. You worked hard to prove you deserve to be on top.

However, I would like to congratulate all the other riders too. Just because you are not the class champ doesn't mean that you didn't work as hard or harder than they did. A blown motor or slipping clutch still effects everyone the same. So again, congrats to everyone!!

As for Sol Performance and Dunlop, we learned a lot over the course of this year and I will put what I learned into place for next year!!

Please contact me over the off season if you have any questions or comments on how to make us better.

Again, thank you and congrats!!