Quote Originally Posted by T Baggins
this is why we made LWGP basically an SV / EX class. get rid of the exotics (TX, 749, etc...) and make it about racing again...

Anybody ever wonder...

If Ducati made a bike with "normal displacement" like everyone else - would it still be the class of the field?

Surely I'm not the only one to catch on to their "build a cheater bike (via displacement advantage) and put pressure on the racing organizations to allow it into classes we know it will dominate" technique employed by the bolognianians.

crafty little bastards they are... :lol:
Damn Eye-talians!

I am too lazy to go look; how are the entries for LWGP this year? Are they up or down?

Applehans and I and a few other nut-jobs could simply be oddballs in the want for a more level lightweight twin class. If no one show up with them then there is no place for me to complain simply because there is no support for it.

If that is the case, I say "whack it" and lump all of the twins together into one big mess and give a 250/650 spec class a shot.

Speaking of which -- Marty -- I know you are reading this. Go out into your garage and put together my damn 250!