One of the common themes following our long endurance race is a desire for more long endurance events in 2010. That being said we have an existing class structure in endurance that is very popular and I think it would be wise to keep what is already one of our most popular classes. With that in mind here are some ideas for discussion:

Assuming an 8 event season again next year:

Keep the Four Hour endurance at Round 5 and expand on our success there.


Add two 1.5 hour endurance events during the season by alternating the LW/MW with the HW/Open events.

R1- 30 Minute Endurance Races
R2- 30 Minute Endurance Races
R3- 90 minute LW/MW endurance
R4-30 Minute Endurance Races
R5- 4 hour endurance relay
R6- 30 Minute Endurance Races
R7- 90 Minute HW/Open Endurance
R8- 30 Minute Endurance Races

Schedule impact: Almost none

Revenue impact: Could go either way.

1) Losing two endurance classes two weekends out of the season may have a negative impact.


2) The longer events could draw more racers both from our existing ranks and from traveling racers.


Add two 1 hour endurance events during the season by alternating the LW/MW with the HW/Open events and having the other classes run their regular 30 minute endurance.

R1- 30 Minute Endurance Races
R2- 30 Minute Endurance Races
R3- 60 minute LW/MW endurance + 30 minute HW/Open endurance
R4-30 Minute Endurance Races
R5- 4 hour endurance relay
R6- 30 Minute Endurance Races
R7- 60 Minute HW/Open Endurance + 30 minute LW/MW endurance
R8- 30 Minute Endurance Races

Schedule impact: +40 minutes to saturday schedule 2x per season

Revenue impact: Almost none

Event impact: Perhaps would draw out of state racers to the longer events, fill the verbalized want for some longer endurance events, and offer some variety to our race program without a permanent alteration of the existing popular endurance class structure.
