So I made 2 very stupid mistakes. 1 being is that I should not have gone back out and raced after I crashed the 1st time. I've never crashed before, ever so I didn't know what my head was going to go through, my adrenaline was going and the bike was ok so I felt I had to go back out. I was making stupid ass mistakes after the shitty ass start I had that left me in last place. I felt I had to play catch up so I was just passing people where ever I could and got real sloppy.
The second mistake that I made was because I was sloppy doing stupid shit and I missed second gear going through 2 which left me in neutral. I was leaning into the corner when I pulled the clutch in and tried to slam it into second, It locked the rear up which high sided me off the bike. I was still holding onto the bars and I was vertical in the air, came back down on the gas tank and worked my nuts. In neutral I should have just lifted the bike up, got situated and came back into the pits.
Because of these mistakes, I should have gone to the hospital but I'm stubborn so I waited till my nuts grew to the size of a tennis ball. I had surgery @ 1am Saturday and they removed half of my right testicle. Doc said "I exploded my testicle" and if I didn't show that night, the dead nut would have killed the good one and they would have had to remove BOTH.
Don't make stupid mistakes!! Don't race if your not feelin it and don't hesitate on going to the hospital!! I'm barely walkin with a catheter in and a tube hanging out of me to drain the fluids. Shit fuckin hurts so think before stupid shit happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alright, I have mad pain pills to eat so I'm out.

Wesley (515) 8)