This was brought up and shot down last year. Here is the original thread if you want to read it. Lots of BS but also some helpful info in there. I am going to propose this again for the 2011 season:

This is what I propose to go towards for 2011:

All riders would be spaced equally going down the grid. This would give a slight advantage to the 1st place guy over the 2nd place, 2nd place over the 3rd place, and so on. Instead of going three wide then a space, it would be equal all the way back. There would be no "overall" increase in grid length exect for the last two bikes of the last row would be a couple feet further back. Position 1, 4, 7, etc would all be in the same spot as they are now with only the middle rider being back a few feet, then the outside (or inside) rider being back a few feet farther.