Going through my collection of items that are currently not doing me any good and wishing they were out on the track! I will be going through a lot of stuff and posting up, but here is a start:

Transponder, with box, charger, car charger too I believe and mounting bracket. Has been periodically charged and in great working condition.....$300

Chicken Hawk Tire Warmers, standard model and get the job done GREAT. Used for one season and in perfect shape! $275

XT Ultra Lap Timer, with transmitter, module, software (think i have it), cable, etc....$250

Lots more to come, but this is a start. Figured I would start with MRA first before going to WERA boards.

Better to text, email or call....970-396-2120
Email: wahooman_407 (at) yahoo.com

Thanks, Curtis