* Please stop at Will Call and ask for the MRA wristbands. Your name is on the list of event staff. *

Thank you again everyone for turning out to work this event!! I'm thrilled to report I've had 17 people contact me about working the Rod & Custom Show this weekend. Please call me today if I haven’t confirmed you yet. 720-299-1390 cell Wyeth

I’m giving our list of staff to the event coordinator today, your names will be at will call where you can pick up your wristband when you arrive. Everyone has to have a wristband and they have a different band for each of the three days. If extra people show up who are not on the will call list they can purchase $10 event staff wristbands. Otherwise the door fee is $15 for a show visitor wristband. It’s a really inexpensive event, great to take the family to!

Remember we’re all wearing our leathers while working the display. All the car racers are wearing their race suits, there are 15+ SCCA drivers and 22 RMVR drivers working the three day weekend with us. We are going to be a spectacle and that’s the whole idea!

Our booth is next to the food court and restrooms. No food is provided so please bring a little cash if you’d like to eat.

Jim Wilson has printed up 2for1 flyers listing our 2010 season, we’ll have these displayed at the booth please offer them to our guests. Jim has also created a small contact form for interested visitors to request more information about working or racing at MRA events. These will be out on the tables in our booth for guests to fill out. Please direct people to them as you mingle with the show visitors.

JenJen and I are coordinating to make sure all novice hours are accounted for. Thank you to those novices who are able to help the club this weekend! Thank you to everyone else who's helping out as well, we even have a brand new guy Brad who's going to learn about the MRA while working on Sunday. Cool.

My event staff list thus far:

Terri R.
Jim Wilson
Jeff Brown
Zach Kinzler
Keith Eastin
Jim Brewer
Wyeth Jackson
Aaron Fisk
Jenn Hom
Elden Lew
Casey Dragos
Siobhan Bennett
Randall Turner
Scott Rybarik
Brad Hampton
Jarret Scarberry (Sunday, time unconfirmed)
Jdub, unconfirmed for Sunday -- sorry I’m not sure who’s screen name this is

I'll post more details after meeting with the car clubs at the complex later this afternoon/evening. Thank you Brownie, Casey and Brewer for trailering your bikes in tonight and setting up!