The perspective that we need to accomodate is not the one that we have grown accustomed to - it is that of the the wide-eyed beginner. We need to make it easier for newbies to enter our world.

We need a top level New Racer Q & A sticky post to assist them:
  • * Identify the Rider Reps, with contact info.
    * Identiify some racers (or maybe have a list that the Rider Reps can refer to) that will talk/meet with them off-track in order to indoctrinate, I mean introduce, them to what its all about. (Safety wire pliers are cool!)
    * Welcome them to the general meeting (how about an opening question there: "Who here is new to this roadracing thing or would like to talk to a more experienced participant?" This would give members an opportunity to engage them at whatever level is appropriate.)
    * Encourage them to use the New Racer Q & A forum to voice any questions or concerns they may have.

Maybe even include people like myself on that list of racers, who will make the newbies say to themselves, "WTF? If this old fart can do it on that, what in the world is stopping me?"