IMHO, There seems to me to be a clear disconnect with this organization and those potential racers they are trying to attract. Being one of these want-a-be racers, I am looking for honest responses. Answers like “This is out of your league kid, find someplace else.” WOULD be an acceptable answer.

I hope other potential racers out there will post up their situations so the people who make the decisions in this club can get a good view of the market base they are trying to attract.


I am not a member of the MRA.
I have racing dollars I can spend, just not allot. I have a mortgage, car payment and make in the high 5 figures at my 9 to 5 weekday job.

I have a paid for race dedicated bike. Not the prettiest or the fastest. I attend track days when I can. I have come out to many of your races and I have even worked as a corner worker to get closer to the action.

The reason I am considering racing motorcycles and not less expensive things like go-karts is that I’m more into the bike culture. Many friends ride motorcycles and a couple race with your club. And I have a want to compete.

My motives and budget do not include racing for points to win a championship, in fact I don’t expect to win a single race much less podium anytime soon. I will not be able to race every race because of money and/or time constraints.

I do want to ride on a track in a competitive situation and continually improve my lap times. I have raced with other originations before so I know what I’m getting into. I have read your rule book and understand what I need to do to race.

So, why should I race with your organization when I could just continue to do track days?
