I'll apologize up front for being "that guy", but I've started a new forum geared for those of us who love racing Ducati's but are tired of only finding other Ducs one or two at a time when we go racing. And I thought I would post up here in addition to the release I submitted to RW...

A little about myself: My name is Van Blaylock and I currently race a Ducati 1098S with the CMRA. I won the Heavyweight Twins Championship last year on my beloved Duc, but I was also one of the very few Ducati riders in the club.
I immediately noticed the disadvantage to having exclusive machinery... no one around to ask questions of!
So, I thought it would be nice to use the power of the internet to create a forum specifically geared toward helping those who want to race their ducati. A place to compile and search for set-up tips, ask questions about ducati specific parts and accesories, and just converse about the joys of riding these machines on the track.

If this is you, please come by and check it out @ www.ducatipilot.com

thanks so much and good luck out there!
Van Blaylock
CMRA Ex#50