Anyone wanting dunlop tires will have to order them at least 4 days in advance to when they need them from Sport Tire services in California from Dennis Smith or Terry Newby.

I very unfortunately cannot be the dunlop tire rep for this area as it just doesn't make sense on paper for me. The profit margins are so tight that I am dangerously close to going into the red each weekend.

I very much would like to support everyone, and I really enjoyed helping people last weekend, and i feel this is going to be a very good season for dunlop in the club.

But If I'm going to be at the track and I'm within a $150 of making money or losing money, I might as well be racing... :wink: Im sure you can understand.

Please understand this as well, I was never trying to make a living off this or fill my wallet. I just wanted to be compensated fairly for my time and effort. And I certainly never thought I could go in debt over it, but it is a possibility.

Sitting on $10k of inventory(which isn't really that much at all)was very stressful. Basically if one front tire got damaged, or lost etc.. I would be in the hole. as this would ruin all my profit for that $10k worth of tires.

I tried very hard to negotiate a better scenario with dunlop but, it's just not in the cards, dunlop has put their efforts into the ama this season and it's severely hurting us at the club level.

This is too bad, because, i truly feel as though dunlop tires are the best tire after using them. There's been a pattern of failure for dunlop vendors here in colorado that goes back as long as the 11 years i've been a member of the mra and it's unfortunate.

At this time tracy jackel of jackel motorsports in the springs will be at the track with a tire machine to change tires for dunlop riders but he will not stock any dunlop product, i do not expect this to be a free service.