WOW! What a GREAT crew we have this season! I gotta say that I was amazed at the number of corner workers we had outside the tower on Saturday morning, and it's great that you all obviously enjoyed it enough that you came back for more on Sunday. I know we had a lot of new workers, but listening to the radio I heard good organization and lots of calm, cool heads. Kudos to Nick and Tim for some terrific training.

You know, the subtitle of this particular forum "The Backbone of the MRA" isn't just fluff - you guys truly are what makes this organization run. We literally COULD NOT race without you standing in the corners keeping us all safe, going in the right direction, and taking care of us when we manage to wad ourselves up. I hope you all enjoyed watching the show as much as we enjoyed putting it on.

Well Done! I hope to see you all at HPR in two weeks!