I was out of bikes for a few years while my kids were born and have gotten back in in the past year with both feet. I plan to do as many track days this summer as time and budget will allow, and hope to get up to a decent pace by the end of the year on my SV650 track bike. My goal is to make progress this year and race next, and I want to make sure I am investing in the right things needed for that.

Other than the already mentioned time and money I have been trying to figure out what it would take for me to race next season and would appreciate any additions or suggestions from the list below. Thanks to all in advance!

Bike- 749, ready to go

Tools/equipment- Have basics covered with sockets, wrenches, etc. Plan to pick up tire warmers this year sometime, and have stands already. Any non-common tools anyone recommends? Does anyone change their own tires?

Track Stuff- Have a small EZ-up and a pickup, is a trailer a good investment starting out or is it better to rough it for a while and put the money in the bike? How about a generator, I assume it is cheaper than renting power over the course of a season, buy a larger one or just get something to run warmers? Besides a good supply of water and food what else is needed to survive?