Hello All,

As of the writing of this message, I do not have transponder information for 81 racers that have turned in their license applications! This is after cross referencing all the data from the previous year. If you purchased a transponder after sending in your license application, please send me a PM or email c.dale@comcast.net with the ID written on the transponder. This will alleviate problems with timing and scoring on the first race weekend.

The MRA rental fleet only contains 34 transponders. So if you intend to rent, there is less than a 50/50 chance of you receiving a transponder as they are distributed as first come, first served. If you intend to borrow a transponder, I will hold to my original policy of changing the database for the weekend. However, it is impossible to have more than one racer using a transponder for a single weekend.

Remember it is a racer's responsibility to provide their own transponder for the purposes of timing and scoring. If you do not have a transponder, you will not be scored.

Please feel free to PM me on this forum, or email me c.dale@comcast.net, with any transponder updates.
