** 12/29 ** Ticket sales are now closed, there are no more seats available

** 12/27 UPDATE **

Just another reminder, PLEASE get your tickets ordered before MONDAY!!


** 12/24 UPDATE **

In previous years I have added some "cushion" into the number of guests I tell the hotel to expect because we always get some last minute requests for tickets. Unfortunately, this means your club ends up paying for some empty seats. In an effort to eliminate this waste this year I am cutting the cushion quite bit. I will be signing the contract with the final number on Monday. If I use the number I intend, there are about 18 tickets available right now. After that, there will be no more tickets sold (unless you want to pay the $150 "change" fee to the hotel, in addition to the ticket price). So, if you plan to attend, PLEASE, PLEASE get your tickets ordered NOW. If all 18 tickets sell before I sign the contract, I will add a few more just in case! If no more sell between now and then I will lower it quite a bit.

Thanks for your help keeping things as inexpensive as possible, everyone is doing a little belt tightening these days

The 2008 MRA awards banquet will be held on Saturday, January 3rd, at the Denver Renaissance Inn (same place as the last couple years).

Tickets and more info available here --> http://www.mra-racing.org/2008Banquet

Note the hotel room info, the first ten rooms are only $69.00, after that the rate is $89.00, so reserve quickly if you plan to stay the night!