SIO Club Meeting @ Brooklyns -Mark Schellinger Guest Speaker

What: Do you want a career in the Sports Industry??? Then come and check out our first SIO Club meeting for the 08' fall semester for the students at Metro State College of Denver.

When: Thursday - 10.02.08 at 6 p.m.

Brooklyn’s at The Pepsi Center, 901 Auraria Pkwy, 80204

Mark Schellinger will be our guest speaker for the night... He will be talking about his bio and career in the sports industry.

What is the SIO Club??? The SIO club are student representatives and club members from the Metro State College of Denver who are continuing their education while pursuing a degree in the wide world of sports. Upon completion of the program, most of the students can work for any professional sports organization, ie.. Broncos, Nuggets, MotoGP??? Our goal is to promote the Sports Industry Degree program. And best of all, have some kick a$$ guest speakers that have established themselves in the Industry and have made a career of what they love to do, Sports...

All in all, this should be a fun time to mingle with the students of Metro State. Plus, you can introduce yourselves as riders and we can represent the MRA.

I wish I can entice you all to attend with some free fancy dinner buffet but since we are broke college students with absolutely no budget we can only muster up a reserved section where Mark can speak.

Please come it will be funnnnn...