Nominations for the 2009 Board of Directors were opened at the general meeting earlier this evening. The nomination period will close at the general meeting on October 8th, then the ballots will be sent out and will be collected and counted at the Annual Meeting in November.

The positions that will be up for election this year are:

Vice President
New Rider Director
Track Marshal
VP of Rules and Tech
Rider Representative (4 positions)

You must be a current MRA member in order to nominate someone. You can nominate non-members but that person will have to become an MRA member before they can accept the nomination and be placed on the ballot. You can nominate yourself if you wish. Nominations do not need to be seconded.

Please nominate people in this thread only, do not start other threads, this will make it easier for us to keep track. You may also email nominations directly to any board member.

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Current nominations:

Vice President
Tony Baker - Accepted

Lisa Gaimara - Accepted

New Rider Director
Mark Shellinger - Accepted

VP of Rules and Tech
Ray Gaimara - Accepted
Ben Fox

Track Marshal
Kip Book - Declined
Tim Young - Accepted

Rider Representative
Sheila Paul - Accepted
Jeff Brown - Accepted
Mike Applehans - Accepted
Jim Brewer - Accepted
Sasha Taranto - Accepted
Casey Dragos - Accepted
Scott Rybarik - Accepted
Ara Maranian - Accepted
Donna Bowden Turner - Accepted
Jim Wilson
Glenn Carlson - Accepted
Chris Weed - Decline
Dion Eads - Decline

If you have been nominated for something please let me know if you accept or decline :wink: