I want to challenge all of you to bring at least one other person to work the track for the weekend. In fact, bring two... or 5! We have a good strong group of regulars that work most if not all events so I know you guys realize how badly we need to increase the number of Marshals we have. Keep in mind that they have to be at least 16, and if they are under 18 they have to have a signed form of consent from their parent(s). We need to spread the word that this job is not a hard gig and that anybody willing to pay attention can do it! (although you regulars...you know who you are... are the more elite bad asses of the Corner Marshal world!!!) Pimp up the fact that even driving to Pueblo, if you work both days you make more than enough to pay for gas and food and you have a great time doing it!

If you manage to wrangle up some newbies, please post here so we can start a head count! Our ultimate goal is 3 people for every turn (30 people!)


Kip 8)