This weekend in Hastings i won my first road race (Am-GTU) and exceeded some long time personal goals. I have been close a few times but could never seem to get it done. This weekend would have been the same without the HUGE help i received from a few people.
First i would like to thank Terry Teskie. At second call before the race i see the rear wheel spacer sitting next to the stand... oh FUK!!! With out Terry helping me get it put back together i would have not made it out onto the grid on time. Terry also helped all through the weekend with advice and set up help. Thanks Dude.
I would also like to thank...
Mark E Mark for not letting me "mind fuk" myself, and he has some pretty sweet tires too. MICHELIN baby!
the Faster Motor sports guys (Mike, Brian, Bart, Jason) for all their advice, support, and services.
Mike Applehans for signaling me during the races.
Hammer for pushing me beyond my limits.
Last but not least i have must thank my wife Lynette. i could go on about the love and support blah blah blah... but with out her hard work and dedication to racing and the club, i don't know what i would do. THANK YOU -C