The winning team will receive cool prizes but we will also have a drawing amongest the other teams so they have a chance of winning some prizes too!

2 free track days per rider (max. 3) for winning team. courtesy PMI

Cash! 100.00 each per rider (Max 3)Courtesy Vanmar Racing for winning team.

3 - 25.00 gift certificates courtesy Faster Motorsports( Drawing)

3-50.00 gift Certificates courtesy Chris Fuller at Junkyard Ink (Drawing)

2 - Awesome t-shirts courtesy Chris Fuller at Junkyard Ink(Drawing)

1 FREE membership for the winning team to Professional Privateer for awesome discounts on cool stuff. a 300.00 value.

1 FREE DYNO Tuning session with Aaron Clark and his,..."Dynojet Model 168 dynamometer upgraded with the air/fuel ratio module, dual multi-axis cooling fan system, and eddy current load absorption unit" a $240 value! (Drawing) Cool!

1 free full rectal exam or urine drug test, your choice! courtesy Tony Baker ( Drawing) Not so cool...but still valuble

1 Case of Corona courtesy Mark's stash out in the garage fridge (Drawing)

2- 25.00 gift Certificates for sticker work courtesy Aaron Petrie at UNINK Printworks ( drawing)

If anyone else has something to donate we would really appreciate it!!!