So I wanted to say a few things...

#1 LOVE LOVE LOVE the new schedule.... Doing 6 races including endrance.. It realy helped to have them split to 3 a day.... thumbs up... I think it was very organized and flowed very well..... Im a fan

#2 Thank you more than ever to the corner workers.... On Sat when that wind and dirt flew in, I have to say I would have said to hell with it and went home.... That was some wicked awfull dust storms in the eyes and you all stuck it out.... Thank you so much !

#3 The 1st weekend has traditionally been a crashfest... Everyone thinks they are gonna win a championship on the 1st weeend and try like hell to do so.... There were very little crashes (compared to normal) and no delays (due to a crash) that I can recall..... Thumbs up to all of you for keepin it clean and safe....

#4 Holly Smolly Turn 10 improvements are excelent.... Its so nice to go through there with out my cheeks clinched together in total fear of death..... Finally I can say T10 may actually be one of my favorites at PMP now.. Thanks guys for doin' it up right.....

#5 Lastly: Thanks to Young Blood Racing for the supply of Monster Energy drink.... (Well noted dont drink 3 of them by lunch time) Shew!! :shock: :lol:

Great race weekend all... See ya next month.......