It's getting close to that time of year again. It's warmer outside, you are getting your bikes already and the good looking women are un-bundling after the long winter.

I would like to take advantage of the summer warmth this year by offering a Bike & Babe photo shoot at the end of May or the early part of June. The model would be Maria Eriksson, from the UK.

As you can see, Maria is very attractive and photographs really well. Maria does do tasteful nude work for those that would might be interested in that. Not only that, but she is about to complete her Masters degree in Biology, so she is smart too!

I'm still working out the details of the shoot like location and times. I wanted to use this thread to gauge the interest in a shoot like this. You can see more of Maria on her site, Model Maria Eriksson. There are some Not Safe for Work mages on that site.

Let me know what you guys (and girls too) think about doing a shoot like this.
