Quote Originally Posted by DOUBLE A
I'd show up with $$$, and a CAN DO attitude.... you may just get the powers that be to bend an occational rule. 8)
Nope. Not gonna happen.

As this is the one and only practice day pre-season for a large percentage of our members, we've requested HPR only let our guys on track so we get the best quality practice out of our limited practice time.

The remainder of the Friday lapping sessions WILL be open to the public, but the one before the first race has always been treated as "sacred".

In years past all the Friday practice days were "run" by the MRA and you had to be a racer to get on the track at all...

Z-Rooth - soon as you complete two SS events, you're eligible for a license - so license up and you can come out and play with us anytime, anywhere...